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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> game + other
Unlord   2003-12-25 19:15
Hey, I recently have got a dual monitor setup on my system, and was wondering if there was a way to get one monitor playing a game, such as horizons, and the other monitor surfing the net or changing my songs in winamp, etc. It works now, but when I go to the other monitor to change a song, say, it still minimizes the game on the first monitor. Is there a way to mix virtual desktops with dual monitors, so that each monitor can have its own desktop that i can create a hotkey to switch between? i've looked around at various sites, and haven't been able to come up with a solution.

m2h   2004-01-02 21:01
The only way to do said such thing to run the game in a window, not full screen, otherwise it is completely impossible to do.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> game + other

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