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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> playing games on dual monitor
justin   2003-12-27 13:57
i have a geforce 4 fx 5200 and it has two vga ports and im running dual monitors and i was wondering is it possibale to play games on one and on the other chat on aim ect..

[c0a] finch aka justin
justin   2003-12-27 13:58
btw i have it set up as two desktop and when i try to chat on the other monitor it loses focous of my game and alt tabs out.

[c0a] finch aka justin
Unlord   2003-12-28 12:13
this is the same question i have, any help out there?
Christian Studer   2003-12-28 20:28
Usually this doesn't work well, running the game windowed might be worth a try. Also see the FAQ for more on this issue.

Christian Studer -
ArmchairAthlete   2003-12-31 17:00
Darn, I was hoping this would work somehow. Wasn't expecting it to be easy...

I'm playing a game right now that doesn't run in windowed mode so I guess I'm SOL.
matt   2004-01-02 15:31
alt-tab your way beytween programs if you see an IM
wbarber69   2004-01-24 06:35
if your playing a graphics intensive game, then when you change focus your basically using your mouse to alt-tab thats all a focus change is anyway. If your playing these games, like UT2003 or halo etc. then you probably don't want to leave the game while it is running, as this can cause undo stress on the processor
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> playing games on dual monitor

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