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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multi display no0b
Kanoste   2003-12-28 15:39
ok im building a computer for only flight sims, my question is this :

i want to run 3 or even 4 monitors and span the sim across them all at one time (making panaramic view)

i havent built the computer YET but i was wondering what i would need , assume all slots (AGP / PCI ) are open.

I see a lot of people are using an AGP card with a PCI card, but does the software say "oh 2 cards = more space, fine with me..." or do you have to have hardware / special software to run them like i want?
Christian Studer   2003-12-28 20:26
You don't need special software for multiple video cards, Windows has support for this.

Whether games run well on a multi-card setup depends on the game, for example Microsoft Flight Simulator has good multi-monitor support (I don't know if you can have a single view stretched across the desktop though). See the FAQ for more on this.

Christian Studer -
Kanoste   2003-12-29 11:52
i was looking around adn i found a card that has a 3 or 4 monitor output - this works better / as well then duel cards ?
Christian Studer   2003-12-29 21:14
Most likely not, I'm not aware of any quad card with span mode (possible exception might be the Matrox G450 MMS).

The Parhelia has a 3-monitor span mode, for more on this see my Parhelia review.

Christian Studer -
Kanoste   2003-12-30 08:21
yeah that is the card i found - the MAtrox - think it might do what i want ..

is there a force feedback chair thats available on the market that tilks and what not ? or only "rumbles" due to sound waves ?
Kanoste   2003-12-30 08:22
tilks = tilts *

wheat i mean is even slight movement would be sweet, back and forth / side to side type action ...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multi display no0b

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