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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> desktop spanning (not extended desktop) with radeon 9800se
Lucas Young   2003-12-29 16:22
How do I set my Radeon 9800se to span a windows desktop across two monitors? Nvidia cards can do it, so can the matrox g450 (my old card)
What I mean by this is to have a desktop of say 2048 x 768, with the taskbar stretching across both screens. Hydravision seems to let you "extend" your desktop onto the second monitor, but this isnt the same thing - the taskbar remains in one window, and apps like Shake and Premiere dont recognise the second monitor - with the g450 premiere would maximise to fill both monitors and this was great for editing :)
Is there a hack/patch/tweak anyone knows of to accomplsih this? Can Ultramon do it?
Christian Studer   2003-12-29 21:15
ATI doesn't support span mode, UltraMon also can't do this.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> desktop spanning (not extended desktop) with radeon 9800se

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