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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> icons change at startup
Scarecrow   2003-12-30 11:58
i hooked up a 2nd monitor a few days ago. Everything was fine for a few days, then i could line up icons or arrange them. Now when i start up my icons will be ina different order can i fix it?????
Christian Studer   2003-12-31 07:02
See the FAQ for several fixes for this issue.

Christian Studer -
Scarecrow   2003-12-31 17:08
i checked there, but non of that pertains to my problem. I have even went back to 1 monitor & they still line up differently every start up
ecarlson   2004-01-01 06:58
Which OS, which video card, which drivers, and do you have Windows set to "auto arrange" the icons?

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> icons change at startup

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