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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Powerpoint Slide Show on 3 monitors
Scott   2003-12-31 03:52
HELP! I have a PPT file that needs to run in slideshow across 3 screens simultaneously. I have 3 monitors and a desktop/work area that runs across all three.

is it possible to make the PPT slideshow fill all three screens (with a panoramic image, not 3 screens mirrored.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Vegard Skjefstad   2003-12-31 13:51
I answered this before:
Ah.. it works quite nicely with the Parhelia in 2+1 spanned mode.
However, you need to set up the presentation to handle the aspect ratio.

Powerpoint in all of MS's wisedom does everything in a 4x3 format (usually 24x18cm).

Hit file, properties and expand to 72x18.
Does the trick for you.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Powerpoint Slide Show on 3 monitors

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