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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual-Monitor Video Card Question
SloGuy   2003-12-31 04:59
Ok, I have a dual monitor setup with two different video cards and I'm looking at a new 128 MB video card with dual-monitor output. My question is that I wondered if the performance of each monitor would be 128 MB, or if it would be reduced to 64 MB per monitor.

...Thanks in advance for your help
ecarlson   2004-01-01 06:51
Memory size is not a performance rating.

- Eric
SloGuy   2004-01-02 05:30
...Okay, so you're telling me that number (in MB) on every single video card doesn't describe its performance abilities?
DarrylB   2004-01-02 14:03
Peformance is based on many things, memory is only part of it.

Give us the model of vid card your interested in, maybe we can help you decide on what to get.
Im getting an Asus GeforceFX 6500 with 256mb of ram, and dual DVI out + single SVIDEO out. Yeah its a sweeeet card, what can i say... ;)

SloGuy   2004-01-02 18:33
Well, here's the link to where I'm thinking about getting it from...

PNY GeForce FX5200 Video Card
ecarlson   2004-01-04 13:14
SloGuy: There are slow and fast 128.Meg cards. There are some 64.Meg cards that are faster than some other 128.Meg cards. So yes, I am saying memory is not a measure of performance. Performance comes from many things, and the amount of memory only comes into play in certain situations.

- Eric
ecarlson   2004-01-04 13:19
SloGuy: To give you one example: I don't run any 3D games, or any other intensive 3D apps, and I have a 64.Meg GeForce4 Ti4200 card running dual monitors. If the same card was increased to 128.Meg, and all other things remained the same, the card would not be the slightest bit faster, because I never even make use of the full 64.Meg currently on the card.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual-Monitor Video Card Question

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