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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> the real way to race!!!
KuDawg   2004-01-01 01:56
Hopefully you have 3 PC's, in times now the PC is really CHEAP!!! I love to race in surroundgaming but the Matrox Parhelia is a hog with the FPS in Nascar, so I decided to hook up 3 PC's and have all 3 join the race. Once the race has started you can boot out the two and have them watch from your car and have the left side PC view looking left and the right as follow... Im sure everyone new this but I figured just to through it out there, the #1 cool thing is my FPS stay the same!!!!I use a G4 4600 and 2 G3 Ti500 in the other PC's... Im sure it might be alittle more then getting the Matrox or 3 cards in one system, but then again there wont be any conflicks.. This is just for racing though... Ltr...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> the real way to race!!!

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