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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple Monitors
Fernandrix   2004-01-05 12:07
Hello! I bought AGP type GeForce 4 MX 440 with TV-out. I don't like that my second display will be a TV. I like to have a dual monitor without buying another PCI type graphic card. Can I use the onboard VGA card? Will it be possible? How?
Don   2004-01-05 13:36
I have the same question as yours. Let me know if you find any news.

DarrylB   2004-01-06 03:16
Its possible to enable the onboard VGA in the CMOS (bios). But this feature is dependent on the type of motherboard you have, AND POSSIBLY the version of the bios running (firmware).
Tony   2004-01-06 05:04
Generally enabling the video on a motherboard will turn off any reference to an AGP bus. I've never seen a motherboard allow both on at once although I hear some people have gotten away with it. I suggest buying another PCI card as that is really the way to go.
fernandrix   2004-01-06 14:27
the type of motherboard i have is jetway for P4. is it possible?i don't like to buy another pci videocard.
DarrylB   2004-01-08 06:50
*shrug* i have no advice with p4's... Im anti-intel as it is ;)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple Monitors

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