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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> how? changeing desktop workspace on dual monitors?
crabstick   2004-01-05 20:26
hi, i have a dual display setup with a single desktop spanning horizontaly across the two monitors..
I'm looking for a way to change my "desktop work area", I have found and tried a few utills but they only change my primary monitors workarea...
..if your wondering, this is so I can have a similer program to the startbar, spanning across my monitors, without overlapping with maximized windows.(this is with-out the startbar or smart taskbar loaded, so the computer doesn't know there is a bar it shouldn't overlap there..)

thanx for any help!
simon   2004-01-08 01:20
crabstick   2004-01-10 15:32
thanx for the......hint.....

time to do some investigating ;)

c u
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> how? changeing desktop workspace on dual monitors?

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