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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AGP companion card
Christian   2004-01-11 10:10
Hi, I am looking into purchasing the Xentera GT 8 PCI card for my system. I understand it is based on the ATi chipset. If I were to pick an AGP card (standard two port Geforce/Radeon), which would you suggest? I am not considering performance, so much, as compatibility. One would resaonably suppose the Radeon to be the best companion, however, this might not be the case, as e.g. the radeon drivers could conflict with Colorgraphic's while the Nvidia might not see any conflicts. Any thoughts?

wbarber69   2004-02-05 21:27
I personally have always ran multiple ati cards, and I guess I have the special touch or something because they have always seemd to work, their were a few setups where you had to install your cards in a special order to keep the drivers from screwing up, but since the catalyst set up has hit the market, it's been a beeze to find the right drivers, so thats just one option, I know people who could have the exact same setup as me who could never get 2 ati's to run at the same time, it's all about luck I guess, I mean if its a good card your talking about and you go with the most up to date drivers you can find than either set up should be alright, just install the pci card first, or was it the agp, I forget
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AGP companion card

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