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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> different desktop on each monitor
DermicSavage   2004-01-14 11:25
i have an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro, and have been looking into running dual monitors specifically for the idea of running two desktops, one on each monitor, but so far i have tried multidesk, and the ati hydra vision apps, and neither will help any to accomplish what i am attempting

can anyone give some tips as to what i need to do on either of these programs to make it diplay on one monito ror the other? or is there soem other program that will do this?
ecarlson   2004-01-14 13:55
What do you mean by different desktops? You have one keyboard and mouse, and you can move stuff around onto either monitor, or stretch a window to cover part or all of both monitors. Is that not working?

If that is working, but all you want is different wallpaper on each monitor, then the answer is in the FAQ.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> different desktop on each monitor

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