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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Possible to span (i.e. blow up) a 1280x1024 game output to 2 monitors?
Paul W   2004-01-15 04:10
I'm experimenting with multi-monitor gaming and have an ATI 9800 Pro.

I can run an extended desktop in windows XP or clone my desktop.

However, is it possible to d spanning; i.e. run a game at 1024x768 or 1280x1024 and have the image blown up and distributed between two monitors?


Christian Studer   2004-01-15 22:22
ATI doesn't support span mode, you would need an Nvidia or Matrox card for this.

Christian Studer -
wbarber69   2004-02-05 21:22
ati dual head cards do support spanning its just a pain in the you know what to get it work properly, all those stupid buttons in the displays menu have to be hit a special sequence or it will never work right for you, I have only accomplished this feat once, and have never tried again
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Possible to span (i.e. blow up) a 1280x1024 game output to 2 monitors?

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