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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> SURROUNG GAMING ON NVIDIA CARDS
Uncle-Bob   2004-01-15 17:53
I read on this forum that it was possible to span an open gl game like Quake 3 or UT2K3 on 3 monitors using 2 nvidia cards of the same generation.

With a Geforce FX 5900 AGP and a Geforce FX 5200 PCI Dual VGA, it would be possible to play quake 3 or ut2K3 on the 3 monitors.

Is it really possible ? does it work well ? Does someone already tried it ? What performance did you get ?
Christian Studer   2004-01-15 22:21
With the 52.16 drivers, UT2003 worked fine for me on 3 monitors with a mixed GeForce2/4 system (3 video cards). Using OpenGL rendering and windowed mode, all monitors at 1024x768 32-bit.

It was too slow though for real use, and I had to set the left-most monitor as primary, otherwise there were drawing errors on the primary monitor.

Christian Studer -
Uncle-Bob   2004-01-18 08:39
thanks a lot for your answer !
DelPHiuM   2004-01-19 23:44
pritty much any game that will run in windowed openGL mode will spam across 3 screens - oh how lovely it is on the Nvidia G-force range (2,3,4,fx).
yes MS flight sim 2k4 works briliant same as quake 3 - but 3 screens for most shootem ups is not recomended as the performance does drop to like 40fps or so, wich when usally at 200fps thats not good. :D
Uncle-Bob   2004-01-26 09:27
I finally bought a Geforce FX 9950 to go with my 5200 PCI, and they work perfectly together !

I can span a video on my 3 monitors and play open gl games in windowed mode on the 3 monitors.

I get 60 FPS in Quake 3 in timedemo four in surround gaming with optimized cfg (1920x480) whereas i get 440 FPS in 2048x1536 full details on my 22".

I have to work on optimizations because the FPS loss between the 2 modes is impressive.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> SURROUNG GAMING ON NVIDIA CARDS

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