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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> MS Flight Sim 2004 Wont enable 3d with 1 monitor (2 screen installed)
Greg   2004-01-17 02:37
Hi ,

I've recently set up a 2 screen system using
a AIW Radeon 9700pro and a cheap 2nd card a Maxtrox Millenium G200 (£5). The 2nd card is not a 3d card but is fully supported by XP.

Everything is working fine, But I tried to play MS Flight Sim 2004 the other day (Trying to play on just One monitor) but it would not allow me to enable the 3d options..

Its like it detected the 2nd card automaticly decided I wanted to use both screens and disabled 3d !

(I can get FS running with 2 screens with out 3d (not very nice quality), but I want to switch to 1 screen full 3d. But cant.

Anyone know of any 'tweaks' that may fix this problem ?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> MS Flight Sim 2004 Wont enable 3d with 1 monitor (2 screen installed)

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