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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> is it possible to run 2 monitors through and Y-cable ?
mozza   2004-01-19 22:59
is this possible without showing the same screen on both monitors ? or do I need 2 VGA-outputs on my computer/2 graphic cards ?
if you dont know which cable I'm talkin about...
here's a pic:

DelPHiuM   2004-01-19 23:39
NO this is really not a good idea to use these cables. I have come across these cables before - where they have been installed and only produce problems such as video out of sync called ghosting.
i make monitor cables for cinema systems for a living u need either a vga spliter (re-drive) (KRAYMER are good spliters) useing a Y cable - u get ghosting images - if ur useing 2 differant monitors then u can have even more problems such as niether will work.
these cables tend to only work at VGA or below (640x6480 or less).
ecarlson   2004-01-20 01:44
There is only one signal, so if you split it, both monitors will get the same signal. There are splitter devices that work better than a splitter cable, but you still only get one signal. To get 2 different images, you need 2 seperate video outputs, which can be on one dual-output video card, like many newer cards, or you can use 2 cards.

- Eric,
mozza   2004-01-20 02:27
ok. thanks a lot :)
could u recommend a good graphic card for this? (not to expensive though)
mozza   2004-01-20 02:41
and what's this "DVI" all about ? I guess it's the second output from the videocard (the white output)
is that right ? and can I connect an "regular" monitor into it and another monitor to the standard VGA-output without having colors and stuff messed up between the monitors ?
ecarlson   2004-01-20 12:33
DVI is for digital flat panels, but most DVI outputs are DVI-I, which means they can also provide a regular analog video signal through a DVI-VGA adapter.

There are lots of NVidia based cards available for under $100 with dual outputs.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> is it possible to run 2 monitors through and Y-cable ?

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