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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Trying to set up 3 monitors....need to get the right card.
DaMaDo   2004-01-20 23:22
I have a 30 inch Dell LCD/TV and 2 Dell 2001FP monitors and building a system for them...

I'm wondering if I could get the 256MB parhelia PCI (for stock trading and CAD work) and also put in a fast AGP card like an ATI9800 (for gaming).

I have no idea if a WinXP system would accept that or how I would hook it all up.

Would both cards work together? Or would I need all 3 mons hooked up to the parhelia?

ecarlson   2004-01-21 12:58
I use NVidia cards, but as far as I know, that card combo should work. Can you find that combo, or something similar in the database here?

- Eric
DaMaDo   2004-01-22 00:43
Not a straight match, but similar which I guess proves it works, but I just don't know how it works...

I'm wondering how I would plug it the vid cards work together to display across the 3 monitors together?

Like with the 9800 connected to the middle monitor and the parhelia to the two sides, can I display one desktop across all 3? Can I play a video game across all 3?
ecarlson   2004-01-22 11:25
I don't know about video games, since 3-D accelleration is involved, but the desktop will cover all 3 monitors. The task bar will only be on one monitor, but you can use something like UltraMon to put task bars on the other monitors if you like it that way.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Trying to set up 3 monitors....need to get the right card.

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