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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Screen interference with XP Pro and Matrox G450 graphics card
xn85   2004-01-21 00:58
run a Matrox Millenium G450 Twin-head graphics card with two identical Ilyama monitors and the latest Matrox drivers. I originally installed the G450 on my old AMD Duron PC (still with XP Pro) without any problems. When I upgraded to a new Pentium 4 PC, with the same monitors and positions, the screens show interference lines running up and down them. This only happens after XP has fully loaded and seems to happen in line with HDD useage - more HDD activity/more lines. I am using XP Pro SP1 with all updates installed and the latest Matrox drivers. I've tried moving the IDE cables as far away from the graphics card as I can (it's a decent sized tower case) to reduce interference and even removing the card and re-installing. It makes no difference whether I use the Windows XP drivers or the Matrox ones for XP. The P4 motherboard was brand new when I bought it last year and installed the card, so I wouldn't have thought it could be the motherboard BIOS. Has anyone else come across this or has any suggestions?

Dave Barnes
ecarlson   2004-01-21 13:01
Interesting. Does your case have a window in it? It could be RF interference if it does, or maybe the computer's power supply has issues. Or it could be something else entirely.

Are you using the same monitor refresh rates that you were using before?

- Eric
Jacob Striboldt   2005-07-13 07:36
I have exactly same problem with Asus P4-c800E, P4 3Ghz, Matrox g450 dual (+2 hitashi cm643ET), also after recent switch from PIII system
Tantalus   2005-07-16 14:13
could be your ide cables. are you using rounded cables? what length? are you overlocking the FSB?

i have two p4 3ghz systems using matrox cards: on eis a g400, the other a g450. neither has any problems with interference driving dual displays.
ECarlson   2005-07-16 15:05
Yes, the IDE cables would be good to check. Try a regular flat 80-conductor IDE cable to see if it helps (assuming you haven't already resolved the problem). If you are already using a flat cable, make sure it isn't an old 40-conductor flat cable, and if it is already an 80-conductor cable, try a different 80-conductor cable.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Screen interference with XP Pro and Matrox G450 graphics card

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