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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> laptop multi-monitor - Appian, MaxiVista, or VTBook
Rex   2004-01-23 03:51
Hi all,
I have just purchased the IBM Thinkpad R50p and will be using it in the IBM docking station that has one half-size PCI slot. I am interested in running 2 19 inch flat-panel displays when I am in the office (and would NOT be using the laptop display). Based on reading the forums here, and research on the web, my best 3 choices SEEM to be: 1) VillageTronic's VTBook (fits in a Type II slot), 2) Appian's Typhoon half-size PCI card, AND 3) MaxiVista software (I have an extra laptop if needed for that). In general, I want what most would want: stable screen displays, speed, and reliability. Anyone have some pros or cons for these 3 options (and/or some other option)? Thanks very much in advance,
Rex   2004-01-23 03:52
One more thing - I am running Windows XP Professional.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> laptop multi-monitor - Appian, MaxiVista, or VTBook

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