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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Splitting a stretched desktop?
Jason   2004-01-25 03:46
I've got a video card (Matrox Parhelia 128) that does 3 monitors at once, unfortunately it has the annoying habit of only wanting to run in "stretched desktop" mode, where Windows only sees one 3072x768 "monitor" (really 3x 1024x768) and annoying effects like the taskbar stretching across three screens. Matrox have told me that it can't/won't be fixed in any future drivers.

My question is, does anyone know of a way I can "trick" Windows into thinking that this one incredibly wide monitor that the video card is reporting is actually 3 monitors, and treating them as such, and/or if anyone has ever done such a thing, and/or where I should be looking?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Splitting a stretched desktop?

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