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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help with 3rd (and 4th) Monitors...
Mister_Cee   2004-01-26 07:52
I am attempting to set up a new Dell GX270 with onboard video with additional monitors. I am using Jaton 117PCI Trident Blade cards. I have no problem when using a single card + the onboard video...2 monitors without trouble. When I add a second Jaton, and reboot I get only single video, with the initially working 2nd monitor showing as a blank screen (dark - no color at all), but apparently communicating (the power lite is green). It also appears that open apps go to this dark monitor, but I cannot get to them. On the newly added 3rd monitor, I get nothing - no green power light even. I was going to try to disable the onboard in the BIOS, but only have the option of "Enabled" or "Auto". Any suggestions/help is appreciated. Thanks.
ecarlson   2004-01-26 10:48
How old are the PCI cards? Many older video cards have to be initialized before any other video cards, and if you have 2 video cards have to be initialized before any other video cards, it's obviously impossible to initialize them before each other.

Or it could be an IRQ conflict. Try moving one of them to another slot.

- Eric
Mister_Cee   2004-01-26 11:13
The cards are newly purchased...I believe this model has been out since '02, tho. They are supposed to be XP compat.

One other thing I did notice, when I install one Jaton and run it with the onboard video, everything works well and it treats the newly installed card as the primary, and the onboard goes to #2. Sorry, if this is meaningless, but just started messing with this kind of stuff a couple days ago, and I'm not too sure what's important or If one new card and the onboard works out OK, could the problem still be with initializing, when the third card is added?

ecarlson   2004-01-26 14:17
Interesting. I thought only really old cards (like cards with 8.Meg RAM or less) had that problem. Did you try different slots?

- Eric
Mister_Cee   2004-01-27 01:54
Yep, I've tried different slots. Here's what else I've done so far today:

-installed an MX420 Nvidia AGP card. This successfully killed the onboard video and works again with 1 added Jaton PCI card. From what I see on the Dell site, there is no way to use both the AGP and the onboard.

-With the AGP and one Jaton PCI card in place, I shut down and installed a second Jaton. When I power up, the original two cards continue to work fine but the 3rd card gives error code 10 in device manager.

No matter what combination I try, I seem to be stuck on the third card....even though it's the exact same brand and model of one that already works as #2.
ecarlson   2004-01-27 02:31
Sounds like those cards have the "Must be initialized first" issue, so you can't use them together.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help with 3rd (and 4th) Monitors...

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