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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can onboard video adapter be used w/APG or PCI card for dual monitors?
David DeRolph   2004-01-27 02:19
Can onboard video adapter be used w/APG or PCI card for dual monitors? Or, would onboard, i.e., integrated, video need to be disabled, and then a card capable of supporting two monitors, or two single-monitor cards, need to be installed?
ecarlson   2004-01-27 02:35
Results vary. If the on-board video uses the AGP bus (which it probably does), then you might be able to run a PCI card along with the onboard card, but it's not guaranteed. Only one AGP device can work at a time. And not all on-board video will work with another card (of any type) installed.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can onboard video adapter be used w/APG or PCI card for dual monitors?

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