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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> wheelmovewnd.exe does not seem to work
Chris King   2004-01-28 03:42
This work for anyone?

I run wheelmovewnd.exe c (or any of the parameters) and it does not seem to move the active window.

I have the exe and dll in the system32 folder, WinXP SP1 and UltraMon v.

Chris King   2004-01-28 07:02
OK, I was playing around and I had thought that rolling the wheel is what would do it but and I was usually clicking the title bar to get focus. I had tried clicking the title bar with the 'button' function of my wheel and that did not work.

Then at some point I had run the exe with different paramerters and because it running the exe toggles the function off, most of my testing was probably done with it toggled off.

So, it does seem to work but by clicking the wheel (or middle button I presume). And not in the title bar.

Now you might say RTFM but I would say to add another line to the readme :)

Christian Studer   2004-01-28 07:02
Works fine for me, for example with WheelMoveWnd c, pressing CTRL + middle mouse button/wheel will move the active window to the next monitor.

Christian Studer -
Chris King   2004-01-29 00:06
Yep, like I said in my own follow-up, it does work by clicking except not in the title bar.

I only expected it to work by 'rolling' the mouse not clicking the wheel/button.

I guess I would like to see that, roll wheel and have it look for direction.

Fro example, if I were in monitor 2, roll the wheel up would move the window to monitor 3 and rolling the wheel down would move it monitor 1.

I know-version 3...:)

Kirren   2009-06-26 09:48

I downloaded wheelmovewnd and can't figure out how to edit it's functions / turn it off!

It doesn't exist in the options section, and I can't find where it installed to get rid of it!
Christian Studer   2009-06-27 06:57
Just run WheelMoveWnd.exe again to disable it. See the included Readme.txt file for information on available options.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> wheelmovewnd.exe does not seem to work

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