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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> need advice on video card(s) to run 3 LCDs with DVI
Jason Burroughs   2004-01-28 11:02
I have a Dell 19" and 2 Planar 17" digital LCDs with DVI. What video card or cards could I use? i want to put the monitors side by side with the 19" in the middle. I was hoping to find a PCI card with dual dvi but can't. i am flexible on replacing my main agp card, but don't want to spend $500 on it!
aguie   2004-01-28 14:27
matrox parhelia pci dual dvi
Chriotic   2004-01-29 08:36
I suggest a NVidia solution: The GForce 4 based Quadro 4 NVS series offers dual DVI for the PCI slot for an acceptable price. The Quadro 4 NVS 200 PCI goes up to 1280 x 1024, the new 280 PCI can deliver up to 1600 x 1200.

Take a look at the PNY site:
PNY Quadro NVS Series
Chriotic   2004-01-29 08:41
Bah... screwed up on the link. Lets try again:

PNY NVS Series

And to avoid another total failure, a copy and paste solution ;)
ecarlson   2004-01-29 10:28
NewEgg has lots of dual-DVI AGP cards if you don't mind replacing yours. The prices start at $125 for those cards. NewEgg has a nice video card finder, where you can select what type of outputs you want and other stuff, and it will show all cards that meet those requirements.

They currently have a refurbished Dual-DVI Ti4200 card for $90, but it only shows up when you go to the page for their new $125 dual-DVI card.

- Eric
Jason Burroughs   2004-01-30 03:11
thanks for the replies!

Just to get something immediately, I went to Fry's and bought the following:

Gainward Nvidia GeForce 5600 256MB AGP
Gainward Nvidia GeForce 5200 64MB PCI
Gainward Nvidia GeForce 5200 64MB PCI

I had to remove a couple of add-in cards, but I was able to get all 3 monitors up and running. nView is really cool, but lacks a couple of functions I really wanted - a main taskbar on the middle monitor and taskbars on both side monitors with the applications on those monitors. Also, desktop wallpaper spanning. I found references to that all over the web and must have spent 3 hours trying to get it working, but the 'horizontal span' radio button was NEVER there.

I was hesitant to install 3rd party multi-monitor software because of the potential conflicts with nView. But, I went and downloaded UltraMon, and am glad I did! I now have spanned wallpaper, multiple screen savers, my task bar right where i want it to be, was able to disable some ghosted monitors listed in display properties, and the functionality that was a duplicate of nview (such as the little buttons that appear on every program window), i just turned off.

Ultimately, I'm still looking for a better long term solution than the 3 cards, so I'll check into the cards you mentioned. But I think I'll stick with nVidia and UltraMon!
ecarlson   2004-01-30 11:32
Glad you got your 3 monitors setup. What's wrong with 3 cards as a long term solution?

- Eric
Jason Burroughs   2004-01-30 17:04
well i don't want to use 2 pci slots in this computer. also, i didn't really shop around for the video cards i wanted - i just bought what i could take home and get up and running. I'll probably get the Asus 9560VS, which is a dual dvi agp card, then a pci card with dvi that uses the 9600 chipset, if i can find one.
or, i hold off on the whole multimonitor thing until i get a computer with more pci slots and return my 2 17" monitors and 3 video cards, and go back to my old stuff...
Jason Burroughs   2004-01-30 17:51
oh and a picture of my setup is at this location
ecarlson   2004-01-31 16:14
Cool. You should post it in the gallery.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> need advice on video card(s) to run 3 LCDs with DVI

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