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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AGP to card 1 on A7N8X
ssilvo   2004-02-01 04:17
I am using dual monitors on a ASUS A7N8X mb and a FX5600XT-TD256 and a Nvidea Geforce 4 MX440 PCI card. All is working well except I am using Pinnacle liquid edition video editing software,which requires the AGP card to be number 1 in a dual config.

The Asus A7N8X keeps putting it as number 2 behind any of the PCI slots used despite it being set as the primary vga card in the bios (rev1006)

any ideas on a work around for this appreciated

ecarlson   2004-02-01 09:31
I assume this software runs in Windows. If so, just set the AGP card to primary in Windows. Windows doesn't care if it's set for primary or not in BIOS. Windows has it's own setting for primary.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AGP to card 1 on A7N8X

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