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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> win2k multimon issue?
dodger   2001-03-02 16:57
i use a asus v7700 as agp card and an matrox millenuim 2 as secondary card.
everything is mainly ok.
there are some odd issues with it though maybe someone has an idea whats going on:

i run win2k sp1
1. if i want to test gaming performance with 3Dmark 2000 i need to disable 2nd monitor to have it run( thats ok its programm related, 3dmakr was directx7 optimized so np with it.)
now ok i disable secondary mon and run it.
if i use any tested (6.31, 6.50, 7.17) detonator driver i get only around 36000 rdmarks. (should be around 7.5 to 8k) no matter if and how i overclock graphic card. ok
if i use detonator 7.52 with no overclocking at all i get the usual 7.8 to 8k 3dmarks.
but if i than enable the secondary monitor again after having disabled it i get awful 2d performance on primary (like 100% cpu load when maximizing a playing mediaplayer running a video.)
i dont get the load issue when i dont turn off the secondary etc.

on secondary i use matrox 5.33 drivers.

i run
1.2ghz athlon @ 1.3, asus a7v-133, 512mb 2-3-2
raid0 2x 3070ibm
dodger   2001-03-02 17:09
36000 is typo means 3600

also the load issue better explained:

if i just run win2k up with 2 monitors at one all is fine (2d performance). maximizing saying a mediaplayer movie playing takes 5% cpu time or so when running.
when i went to gaming tho and turned secondary off, come back and turn secondary on again, the 2d performance has become shit. i have to reboot before 2d performance is ok again.

i use 5.33 matrox drivers on 2`nd with busmaester: off (same thing on or off, seems just to crash with on tho)
Christian Studer   2001-03-03 02:42
That's a bug in the Nvidia drivers, if I remember correctly it started with the 6.xx drivers, and so far they haven't fixed it.

After re-enabling secondary monitors, the primary monitor loses DirectX acceleration. You can verify this with dxdiag.exe.

Christian Studer
dodger   2001-03-03 05:19
thanks a lot for the confirmation, saves me a lot trouble searching for the problem:)
dodger   2001-03-08 11:01
did someone saw if the issue was solved with the new 10.80 win2k drivers?
Christian Studer   2001-03-10 02:12
No, it's still the same, at least on my system.

Christian Studer
dodger   2001-03-10 13:28
doh thanks. i think i will try to mix the drivers. i saw on in the forums a lot of ppl using detonator combinations.
Christian Studer   2001-03-10 13:36
Let me know how it goes. I tried mixing 6.50 and Microsoft drivers today, didn't go too well, the card with the Microsoft drivers was stuck in a sort of VGA mode, with only 16 colors...

Christian Studer
dodger   2001-03-15 14:15
yes i will post when i try out.
atm i need the machine for some uni-work so i cant play with self mixed drivers ;(
Nick   2001-04-03 14:07
try these bad boys (11.01) go here. , hunt down the news. ive stuck them in at about 3 places so people can find them. There the newest.
NDA   2001-04-06 15:27
i suspect its a mix between a nvidia bug and a microsoft bug
as on whistler beta it works fine you can turn the secondary off and on as much as you like
and will still have hardware direct 3d support overlay and direct draw
NDA   2001-04-06 15:28
oh thats with any driver set btw

631 650 758 759 1080 11.01

oh btw 631 is the only fulls stable set of drivers for whistler beta 2 for all you pupz
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> win2k multimon issue?

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