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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can you help?
Darren Bennett   2004-02-04 07:55

I have an HP D530 running on board ATI PCI video card, and I have a spare ATI AGP Card and I want to run them for dual monitor. When I plug the AGP card in, I can only use the second monitor, how do I get the machine to see both cards? I presume in the BIOS but I don't see any options to either enable dual cards, and the onboard card IS enabled. Any ideas? I actually thought PCI would overide APG, and this is the other way around. Devise Manager see's only the AGP card once I am in Windows... I should know, MCSE n'all, but I haven't really played with PC's for years, and I've certainly never built a server with dual monitor. I have however built client machines for use with Citrix using dual monitor but using dual monitor video cards.

Any help much appreciated! :o)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can you help?

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