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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Child windows appear on the primary display, the parent app is on the secodary.
esJani   2004-02-04 21:30

The problem is that child windows appear in the primary display, even though the parent is on the secondary display. The programm is SAPGui, is there a workaround?


ecarlson   2004-02-05 00:08
MS Access 97 has the same problem. It's fixed in Access 2000. The NVidia NView desktop has an option to keep child windows on the same monitor as the parent app, but that only partially fixes the problem with Access 97. If you have an NVidia card, that setting might help.

- Eric,
esJani   2004-02-05 00:43
Thanks, but I have an IBM T30 notebook with an ATI Radeon 7500. Ati has an app called hydravision which is a kind of desktop manager. Can it be used together with ultramon?


esJani   2004-02-09 18:11
Any other ideas?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Child windows appear on the primary display, the parent app is on the secodary.

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