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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> MOnitors won't stay in configuration
wbarber69   2004-02-05 06:39
I had all my monitors working perfectly for about 3 months now, the other day we had a power outage and I turned my computer back on to find that my 3rd monitor won't stay where I put it, the weird thing is, it never did this before, I have two ati cards one running 2 monitors and they worked flawlessly untill right now, I don't know why they won't stay where I put them when I restart, the weird thing is it does it if it goes into screensaver, when I move my mouse to get back to my desktop they are screwed up again, nothing has worked so far, I reinstalled drivers uninstalled and reinstalled all monitors, the only other option is to reinstall windows and theat just isn't going to happen, I was wondering if my registry might have gotten screwed up, and if so what is the reg key I need to change to fix it
Jay   2004-02-08 02:47
I also am having the same problem with the monitors switching on mr when ever it feels like, after it comes back from screen saver, or sometimes after a normal reset the monitors are backwards, have now idea what to do about it other then unplugging the one reset everyting and thenplug it back in again!?> make any sense to anyone? not me!, any help would be nice, It looks like im not the only one! Tanks
wbarber69   2004-02-09 11:01
the only quickfix i found was ultramon profiles, but the problem still exists, I just can't see it
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> MOnitors won't stay in configuration

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