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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> GF3ti200 and R7000 Questions (and how to go below 800x600)
Vance   2004-02-06 10:22
I have a GeForce3 ti300 in the AGP slot, and I just added a PCI Radeon R7000. Things seem to work for the most part, but I have a few questions.

The ATI control panel software locks up. I can just uninstall it and be fine, but the fact that it locks up makes me wonder if there's something wrong. The nVidia control panel software seems to have disapeared as well.

Is there a way in Windows XP to go below 800x600 in a display? The desktop on the TV was initially set to 640x480, which is the most logical resolution, but once I went above that res it wouldn't let me go below 800x600.

I get OpenGL on the GF3 just fine without having to disable any displays, but I only get accelleration on the first display. Can I only have accelleration across multiple cards if they're all nVidia?
Vance   2004-02-06 12:16
Okay, the nVidia control panel re-appears when I disable secondary displays. I guess I can live with that.

A little more annoying is that it seems like the R7000 seems to only be displaying at 60Hz, regardless of the setting in the control panel.
Vance   2004-02-06 17:09
Well, UltraMon fixed the problem with low resolutions on the TV (all the way down to 320x200! Perfect for game emulation).

PowerStrip has confirmed that my the R7000 is locked at 60Hz for some reason.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> GF3ti200 and R7000 Questions (and how to go below 800x600)

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