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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Need to make sure im not throwing away money.
ligitninja   2004-02-07 07:56
Im trying for the first time to get dual monitors. (well in truth, i tried before, but i didn't because i got lazy and didnt want to spend a little money) I have accumulated all i figured i need, i have a geforce 4 mx 420 and an old voodoo 3, and two monitors, both i know work, but the problem isn't with them.

The computer says that the device (the voodoo that is, the geforce has never had problems) cannot find enough free resources that it can use. (Code 12)

My guess was RAM, this computer has a measly 128 ram, and i need some anyway so i doubt it'd be throwing away money, but still, will this solve the problem? or does the solution lie elsewhere?

Thanks for any help you can give.
ecarlson   2004-02-07 08:14
Do you have an anti-virus program running and up to date (daily), and have you removed all spyware with SpyBotSD (or AdAware)? Have you also checked to make sure you don't have any unneeded programs loading in the backgroups via SpyBotSD's System Startup tool?

And are your video card drivers both up to date? And have you installed all the latest patches via Microsoft's Windows Update?

And finally, is the Voodoo card set as the primary in BIOS settings?

Also, you didn't mention which OS you are running. 128.Meg might be okay for an old Win9x OS, but you should have a minimum of 256.Meg for 2000 or XP.

- Eric
ligitninja   2004-02-07 14:00
i have XP, silly me, should have said that. Yes i have anti-virus software, Nortin to be exact, but it expired a week or so ago and it ran once a week, not daily. I was going to remove spyware, but i never found a good program, i tried one once, but it jsut caused abunch of problems, can you suggest one? Finally the geforce4 is primary, not the voodoo. thanks for the help here
ligitninja   2004-02-07 14:43
wait wait, it works now, just took some fiddling i guess, thanks for help anyway. Finally i got dual monitors!
ecarlson   2004-02-08 02:23
Glad you got it working. I highly recommend SpyBotSD for spyware removal (use SpyBotSD's built-in update feature before scanning your system). It's free. Also, I didn't mean to scan your computer for viruses every day, but you should have a scanner that is working all the time (in the background), and that checks for virus-signature updates every day. If you need a good free one, get AVG 6.0.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Need to make sure im not throwing away money.

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