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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming span 3 monitors QUAKE 3
Zero Burn   2004-02-08 05:39
I have read much post on the argument but i dont find the solution...

I have 1 AGP card geforce4 Ti 4200
and 1 PCI card geforce 5 FX 5200

2 monitors have been connect to PCI card
and 1 monitors have connect on AGP card

i don't be successfull to game on quake 3 to windowed mode...
I test 1000 setting but don't be successfull

the span run but the opengl accelleration don't work...
Anybody help me?
Pls post the procedure to game on 3 monitor step by step...
TNX sorry for my english but im spanish boy
Seahorse   2004-02-08 06:06
I think it is explained here:


Dead-Fish, deep sea daddies...
Seahorse   2004-02-08 06:27
Oh, a lot of modern games support it with no fiddling whatsoever. I use a dual system.

Right click desktop. Select properties, settings, advanced, GeForce tab. Change nView mode to Horizontal span - this tells the machine you have on giant monitor. Dual view does not.

Out of the box support for games I have used it on includes:

May Payne
Star Trek Elite Force
Civilization 3

I couldn't get it going on Quake 2, but I didn't try that hard! Can't find my copy of Q3 (found the box though!) to test...

Dead-Fish, deep sea daddies...
Zero Burn   2004-02-08 06:42
Sorry but the span option is avaible for 2 monitor...
end don't appare the 3 monitor on 3° card

with 2 monitor RUN... but 3 is the problemmm..!!!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming span 3 monitors QUAKE 3

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