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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitor gaming
jbigger   2004-02-09 05:39
In other posts i have read that any game with opengl support and will run in windowed mode should be able to run on three monitors.

I cant figure out how to click and drag the windows accoss all monitors

I have 2 monitors on geforce 4 agp 128mb
and 1 monitor on geforce fx5200 pci 128mb

I have some success with nview hoizontal span, but it only uses 2 monitors.

I can get games like wolfenstien,GTA3,jedi knight2 in windowed mode but cant drag windows to resize.

any suggestions?

Vance   2004-02-09 23:38
Not true. In most cases only the first monitor is accellerated.
Vance   2004-02-09 23:39
Er, since you have two nvidia cards then you're probably alright. In most cases it requires some hacking to get the games to span across monitors.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitor gaming

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