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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitors - Need Video Card Setup Recommendation
Yien   2004-02-11 11:14
I am planning to purchase 3 Dell 1801FP LCD for my new setup. I currently have a Matrox Parhelia 128Bit and I wondering if I should purchase a secondary PCI card for true triple head support. I am wondering if any of you folks who have walked these roads might have some words of advice. What are the pro's and cons?

DaMaDo   2004-02-26 23:04
I was sort of wondering the same thing. I have 2 2001FPs and a W3000. Right now I'm just using an ATI 9800 pro with some cheap PCI card for the third one.
Reason is I'm waiting for PCI-Express to come out. Then I'll have the new ATI R420 PCI-Express card in one slot and a Parhelia in the AGP slot. That's triple head plus awesome gaming. It should all come out before May (probably late march/april).
Scratch   2004-02-27 03:46

After having tried to run three monitors accross an Nvidia Ti-4600 and an Nvidia MX-440 for about a year or so, I finally broke down and shelled out the cash for a Matrox Parhelia. No regrets. It's a trely amazing card, Runs all the Games accross three monitors without issues, RainBow 6, Mech 4, no issues, turn it on and go. Even at the higher res (3840x1024) it still go's like gangbusters.

Might not be the answer your looking for but it is truly the best thing going at the moment.
ecarlson   2004-02-27 12:44
Are they really going to include AGP slots on computers with PCI-Express slots? What's the point?

- Eric
G_Voima   2004-02-27 22:44
Yes. Reason is because if you have two identical cards, one is AGP other is PCI Express, the AGP is faster. And There are many mobos out there with pci express and agp (for a good reason!)
ecarlson   2004-02-28 05:09
PCI Express is faster, and is designed to replace AGP as the standard video card interface, so I don't know why someone would want AGP in the same computer, unless they plan to use a legacy AGP card. And you can put more than one PCI Express video card in a computer, unlike the old AGP.

Of course, you'll have to wait a little while for all the PCI Express products to be out, and for the AGP products to go away.

Check out this article at

I will admit that I still have an ISA sound card in my single ISA slot, and it still works great.

- Eric
ecarlson   2004-02-28 12:30
You might have been thinking of PCI-X, which is slower than AGP, but the new PCI Express format is faster than AGP, and is designed to replace AGP, as mentioned above.

- Eric
ecarlson   2004-02-28 12:40
I just checked NVidia's web site, and they have a ton of PCI Express info, starting on their main page. ATI also has a little info starting on their main page.

- Eric
Seahorse   2004-02-29 08:48
PCI Express (PCX) stomps all over AGP & PCI. Presumably it is simply a matter of putting two or more PCX cards in and away you go...

Rgds Mike
Dead-Fish - Deep Sea Daddies...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitors - Need Video Card Setup Recommendation

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