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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full-screen & spanning with NVidia Quadro
Les Walker   2004-02-15 23:52
I have an NVIDIA Quadro 900 XGL. I often use this system in full-screen mode for things like games and for running other operating systems under VMWare.

The problem is that for the desktop I like to use spanning mode, but I get weird results from different games and things when I go to full-screen mode. If the window is any larger than 1024x768 the graphics driver puts the screen spanning the two monitors, which is a pain. So, I'm stuck using windows default mode which just sticks to a single monitor when you go to full-screen mode.

My monitors are a pair of NEC MultiSync 1860NX LCDs which support resolution of 1280x1024 so I don't understand why a full-screen application couldn't sit on one of those monitors at that resolution -- like windows default mode does.

Another issue is that VMWare could span both monitors if I could set it's display resolution to 2560x1024. Under some OSes -- like LINUX -- I can hack the resolution of the display drivers to support this. Under Windows NT 4.0 there was a place in the registry where you could modify the resolutions, but I haven't found that under Windows 2000.

Any advice?

-- Les Walker
Wolven   2004-02-17 07:06
The key you are looking for is under:
Depending on your video card, you will have to go down one more key, and look under 0000 or 0001.

You'll be looking for


Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full-screen & spanning with NVidia Quadro

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