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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Resetting window location when secondary monitor not present
Bob Perego   2004-02-17 05:41
Anyone know how to reset the location of a window back to the primary monitor? Two issues prompt this: 1) abandoning an additional monitor and forgetting to open all apps and move windows back to a monitor still attached, and 2) some remote "take over" products do not support multiple monitors.

Thanks, Bob
ecarlson   2004-02-17 11:04
When I connect remotely, I go into display properties, and turn off the second monitor, then everything goes to the primary monitor. The only problem would be if the display properties box popped up on the second monitor, then you couldn't get to it to disable it.

- Eric
wbarber69   2004-02-21 22:18
Real Vnc supports multimon, I have it set up in my house on my lan so if I am at another computer and I need to connect to mine I can see the whole dektop, but you have to use scroll bars to make it happen
ecarlson   2004-02-22 05:41
Almost all of the computers I remotely manage only have a single monitor, and they all have a Windows OS, so I use RAdmin 2.1, which is very reliable, very affordable (though not free like VNC), fast, and very simple to install and use. And it includes file transfers and remote command-line access, and NT domain security compatibility (you can specify which users and groups have what access).

The long-promised version 3.0 is supposed to have multi-monitor support. The 3.0 beta viewer is out, and it already adds some nice features when used with 2.x servers.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Resetting window location when secondary monitor not present

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