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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mismatched white balance between my 2 mons (RGB and DVI)
TrickaTechnology   2004-02-17 14:52
Hi all,

As of about 20 mins ago I just installed my two new 19" Samsung 193T LCD's, and I'm just tweaking and calibrating atm.

Im running both of them out of my Radeon through its RGB and DVI ports, and I've noticed that the white balance varies between the two.

The RGB monitor's white is slightly yellower compared to that of the DVI. Other colours are also slightly different.

In your collective experiences, can colour correcting software be used on one monitor to eliminate the differences. Or is this just a fundamental difference between analogue and digital?

If that is the case, am I better off buying a PCI card with dvi out (thus running both mons off DVI) to fix up the problem?

If this is the best option, can anyone suggest a good (not too pricey) pci dvi card to go with my current Radeon 7800.

Vance   2004-02-20 18:52
Make sure both of the monitors color temperatures are the same. This can usually be changed on your monitor's onboard menu.
Gordon Slifer   2004-02-29 16:20
I am seeing the same yellow cast on the second LCD monitor which I have connected to the Analog port of my Radeon 9800XT.

I don't recall that shift to yellow when, some time ago, I had the same monitor connected to the DVI port.

And I cannot find a way to adjust the with balance back to "normal".
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mismatched white balance between my 2 mons (RGB and DVI)

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