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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> S3 Twister-K Mulitple Monitor Support?
Tom Carter   2004-02-19 02:27
First of all, apologies as I posted this in a separate thread and realized I should have put it here... On to my question:

I have a Compaq 700z Laptop with the S3 Twister-K factory installed, running Windows XP...

I wanted to use multiple monitors on the laptop, but when I plug an external monitor into the Laptop all it does is replicate the LCD view, I can't get the options to allow me to extend my desktop onto the external...

Some have told me it's not possible, others have told me I just need an up-to-date driver, although I've been through a couple of those already and still had no luck, and still others have suggested a registry hack to correct a DualView setting (which to be truthfull I haven't tried yet, not too keen on hacking th registry...)...

Can anyone help me out? Am I out of luck completely, or is it possible? And if it's possible what software/drivers are needed?

Thanks in advance...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> S3 Twister-K Mulitple Monitor Support?

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