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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Customize which apps load on which monitor?
Troy   2004-02-19 05:45
I was wondering if there was a way to customize applications so when you open them, they open in the monitor that you choose instead of opening in the primary monitor?

ecarlson   2004-02-19 14:00
I think UltraMon has that feature, and I think NVidia NView does too (if you have an NVidia card or cards).

- Eric
Troy   2004-02-20 03:36
yea, I got a Nvidia card, and Nview. but when i able Nview, it like turns one of my screens green... actually, can someone briefly explain to me what Nview is?

ecarlson   2004-02-20 12:48
NView is NVidia's add-on feature enhancement utility for multiple monitors. They have a very through document about it available on their web site.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Customize which apps load on which monitor?

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