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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help_COmputer freezes when mixing AGP nvidia Geforce 2 TI with XTasy 9200 SE ATI
Georges   2004-02-21 15:49

I just added an ATI PCI XTAsy 9200 SE 128MB to a computer already equiped with a nVidia GEForce 2 TI.
From time to time when I play videos the computer just completly freeze. It seems like there is a possible conflict between the 2 cards

Does anyone have an Idea to sort this out? If not, I guess I ll bring back my card to get a refund.

Thanks in advance for your help,


Note :
my ATI has been out on the #4 PCI slot
I set up the bios so my PCI card is regarded as the primary card when the computer boots up. It has also been declared as the primary card in MS Windows.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help_COmputer freezes when mixing AGP nvidia Geforce 2 TI with XTasy 9200 SE ATI

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