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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mx440se dual setup?
A5H   2004-02-21 23:05
Hi all,
I was wondering if it is possible to setup dual monitors on the single mx440se card. Or if i would have to use a TV. In the back of my comp there is a spare monitor plug but it isn't on the graphics card. Its just above my Usb ports. Am i right in thinking this monitor port is useless?
Sorry to be vague.


A5H   2004-02-21 23:24
The other monitor port is on my mainboard, It has a built in gpu aswell as the geforce4 one. Is this acceptable as a second card to run the other monitor from. The board is a syntax.


ecarlson   2004-02-22 05:46
If both cards use the AGP bus, then there is no way to use them both at the same time, but if one or both use the PCI bus, it might be possible to use them at the same time.

Also, if your 440 card has 2 video connectors (the second one can either be VGA or DVI-I), then it should run dual monitors, but if it only has one, then the second would have to be a TV (if you have TV out).

If it has a DVI-I connector, you would need a DVI-to-VGA adapter, which is $8 shipped at NewEgg.

- Eric
David DeRolph   2004-03-16 06:13
How can one determine whether one of these AGP inputs runs on a PCI bus? Would this appear in BIOS settings in CMOS Setup?
ecarlson   2004-03-17 13:07
If your computer has onboard video and an AGP slot, the onboard video probably uses AGP, so you can either use the onboard video or an add-on AGP video card, since only one device can use AGP at a time.

If your add-on video card is PCI, then it might work with the onboard video, regardless of whether the onboard video is AGP or PCI based.

In other words, you can only have one active AGP device, but you can have multiple active PCI devices, and PCI devices can also be active along with the single active AGP device.

But not all video cards work together, and not all onboard video works along with an add-on video card, regardless of type, so nothing is guaranteed.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mx440se dual setup?

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