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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Setting it up
Andy   2004-02-22 05:27
have been trying to setup a second monitor so i may use msfs2004,as well as other use i have a athlon 2.6ghz 512mb ram 120gb H/D and importantly a geforce fx5600 connected to a adi a715 microscan 17" flat panel monitor,i also have under the desk a 15" crt monitor,this worked previously,but when connecting up both the crt does'nt do anything...what am i doing wrong?.
I have setup multiple desktops which is useful but childsplay i want the real mccoy.
A walkthrough would be really helpful.

Thanks in advance
m2h   2004-02-24 20:36
Once the second monitor is connected. Have you gone into Display Properties -> Settings -> Advanced -> Geforce(*model of card)-> nView Display mode

Then you have chose how you want your multi-display setup to be.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Setting it up

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