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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> LeadTek WinFast TV 2000 XP Deluxe and multiple monitors...
xhail   2004-02-24 13:14
I have a question regarding the TV tuner card listed in the topic and dual display.

The video card I am using is an ATI Radeon 9500 with one monitor using the VGA cable and the other using the DVI to VGA adapter.

I was wondering if it is possible to mirror the TV on both monitors. I tried the mirror option on UltraMon, and the primary monitor displays the TV, but the secondary one is just black. (Just for the curious, I would like to use this setup for console video game purposes.)

I also can't seem to move my TV to my secondary monitor or else I get the black screen and the PVR software hangs.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
ecarlson   2004-02-24 14:52
Did you install the latest driver and software from the LeadTek web site? I still experience a few bugs, but I can play the TV on either monitor. Also, are you running the latest DirectX 9? If not, update the drivers and software, then update DirectX. That fixed a problem I had where the TV colors would mess up if I turned on closed captioning.

Unfortunately, the LeadTek software and/or driver is not the most bug-free thing around. There is other software available that will work, but I don't know how much of the problems is in the software, and how much is in the card driver.

There are also some obvious features missing in the software, but there are probably apps out there that have the missing features.

Since I only use mine for watching an occasional TV show, I just live with the bugs and missing features, at least for now. My biggest annoyance at the moment is that the remote only controls the volume in steps of 5, and it should be steps of 1.

- Eric
Dan   2004-03-04 23:48
If you go to the leadtek site, go to the Driver download section for the TV2000XP. Then download the dual monitor drivers (they are still the same size as the normal drivers).

Then install those drivers and bobs your uncle. Fixed all my problems.
ecarlson   2004-03-07 03:03
I installed the latest drivers a few days ago. The "Dual monitor" drivers are many months older than the latest drivers. Is there any reason I should downgrade to the older "Dual monitor" drivers?

- Eric
Auntie   2004-03-27 20:54
There are some new drivers on the leadtek ftp dated 14 march 2004.
I installed those with the new PVR software and finally it seems to support dual monitor without hanging the whole pc!!!!

I drivers sono qui:

Il nuovo PVR e' qui:
ecarlson   2004-03-28 01:49
You mean 18th of Marth 2004. I'm downloading them now, along with the latest software, Also from March 18, 2004.

- Eric
ecarlson   2004-03-28 01:50
March that is.

- Eric
nothumphrey   2004-04-10 13:31
hey, new drivers wont help man, what you need to setup is your overlay.

ok im going to try guiding you by memory, hope this works.

disable your secondry monitor using the "display propieties" system tab. then click on your primary monitor picture, then hit advanced. go "displays" and turn on your other monitor this way. now they should be mirrored. then go to the overlay menu and setup up your "clone settings" or something like that. now you have dual pictures.

mail me if you have any probs.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> LeadTek WinFast TV 2000 XP Deluxe and multiple monitors...

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