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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> QuadVideo Splitter (someone was asking about this tech)
m2h   2004-02-24 20:04
I remember someone asking on here how to split a video signal from a computer to more than one monitor but only show a portion on each monitor to create a video wall effect.

Well I stumbled upon this company that makes an extrenal vga splitter that will show 1/4 of the screen on each monitor to create a 2x2 video wall using native vga resoltions.

I don't know the price of it. I don't think I would want to know either. *shudders* :P

Figure some other people might be interested too.

Now.. back to my hunt for a cheap component video capture card. I can dream. :)
ecarlson   2004-02-25 14:36
Looks like they have some other interesting products too. They are very specialized products, so I do agree they will almost definately be expensive.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> QuadVideo Splitter (someone was asking about this tech)

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