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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Desktop Icons
PCGUY   2004-02-25 12:28
On my main primary monitor, the icons are 1 icon space above the taskbar, which gets annoying haveing that there. I played with the desktop icons option in Ultra Mon 2.4, but it is still there. Any help? Thanks.
ecarlson   2004-02-25 14:59
Move the icons.

- Eric
PCGUY   2004-02-25 15:45
Ah, I have to turn off auto arrange to do it, as soon as I turn it back on it pushes them up. Thanks.

The Spud Cannon Database
ecarlson   2004-02-26 13:48
My Windows XP has some issues with "align icons with grid". One problem is that the grid likes to change size for no apparent reason.

I never use auto-arrange on my own machines, because I like to have my icons mostly around the sides and top, but I do click the "Line up icons" option a lot in Windows 2000, since it doesn't have the active (and somewhat defective) grid-auto-align feature.

- Eric
Seahorse   2004-02-29 08:52
Delete the bloody things. What's the point of having them there in the first place. Go grab a copy of ObjectDock and move into the new millenium...

Rgds Mike
Dead-Fish - Deep Sea Daddies...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Desktop Icons

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