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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Looking at Laptop multimonitor x 3
WiNC   2004-02-28 08:16
I'm just interested in finding out if it can be done. I'm wanting to have more monitors running off my laptop. Right now I have the laptop lcd, and an other external monitor. What I would like to do is add another external monitor, because I need more desktop space.

Is there any way of doing this?

Hope anyone has any suggestions

Thanks :)
ecarlson   2004-02-28 10:57
Yes, read the FAQ.

- Eric
WiNC   2004-02-28 12:05
Oh what a witty response. :-)

If you are talking about the UltraMon/Support FAQ, I didn't see anything there regarding laptops. So I don't think you mean - Read the FAQ, unless there is another FAQ on this site I don't know about. So please, quantify your comment with a url, or even further education on what you mean. Thanks...

If you are talking about the Multi-Monitor Resources > Products list, there is a few there I didn't notice before, but have read through them. But I'm hoping there are some other options other then buying something to add PCI video cards to.

I was more after suggestions, personal accounts, and the likes... something you don't tend to get in a simple FAQ/review. But I didn't really spell that out before, so I suppose I will now.

Is anyone using any options for the Laptop to allow them to use more than one external monitor, and if you are, what and what do you think of it?


ps - there is an old saying, "If you have nothing constructive to add, add nothing, for your import isn't worth anything anyway."
WiNC   2004-02-28 12:09
PS - I just noticed under the Multi-Monitor Resources an FAQ - so I apologise, there is some information in there about Laptops.

I am still after some first hand accounts if possible from people who have got it working. So if anyone would like to share their first hand knowledge, it would be great.


ecarlson   2004-02-28 12:24
Glad you found the FAQ. Another option is MaxiVista.

- Eric
WiNC   2004-02-28 21:57
Yeah I gave MaxiVista a try, and I wasn't overly impressed with the speed to be honest. Secondly, it would mean running two computers at once, while an option, not one I'm overly interesting in setting up.

I think I'm going to go for an extra PCMCIA video card but I'm not sure yet. Someone told me that if you put in a PCMCIA video card that it disables the video onboard, while that sounds insane, I don't want to risk he might be right. So I have asked the local computer store if I can test one out which they have agreed with.


Christian Studer   2004-02-29 02:00
PCMCIA video cards always worked fine for me (with Dell laptops), never had problems with the onboard video getting disabled.

I have reviews of the cards from Appian, Margi and Village Tronic on the site, see the Products page for links.

You'll be able to run up to 3 monitors, built-in + external monitor + PCMCIA card. I would recommend the VTBook from Village Tronic, the Appian and Margi cards are quite a bit older.

Christian Studer -
WiNC   2004-02-29 11:04
Thanks Christian,

I will look at the ones you have suggested, and especially the newer of the lot. Read the reviews and they are nice and informative. Thanks.

quang   2004-03-01 04:15
can you teach me step by step how to program a app use 3 monitor.
I have a gf4 440 mx ...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Looking at Laptop multimonitor x 3

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