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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> floating window off screen
Dolores   2004-03-01 01:38
Right now I have a floating window (formatting in Lotus 1-2-3) which somehow got shifted off the screen space on either of my 2 monitors so that the title bar is inaccessible. This means I can't move it or close it. How do I get it back?

In another program, a drop down box opens up very small in the corner of monitor 1 when the app's main window is on monitor 2. It is difficult to read, hard to scroll down and impossible to scroll up. I can't find a way to move the box. It's OK if the app is on monitor 1, but that's a small laptop screen and I like that program to show on the big screen.

D. Palomo
ecarlson   2004-03-01 09:20
Try [ALT]+[Spacebar], them [M] (for Move), then move it with the arrow keys, or you should be able to drag it with the mouse at that point. I know that works for most main app windows, but I don't know if it works on pop-up toolbar windows.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> floating window off screen

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