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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Best solution for laptop multimon
Efishwick   2004-03-01 19:37
I am searching for the best solution that will allow me to use my IBM T23 laptop as a desktop replacement driving two SXGA external monitors.

At present I have the Easydock 1000EV this is OK (just) but screen redraws are annoyingly slow (scrolling through big spreadsheets or hundreds of emails is annoying). Also the T23 seems much slower in general since the Easydock arrived (I'm wondering if there is an overhead pushing information over the PCCard interface) with lockups for a second or two common and lots of paging to disk (the T23 runs XP Pro but has 768Meg of ram).

Should I try a VTBook PCCard graphics card or get a Thinkpad docking station and install a suitable half height PCI graphics card.

If the VTBook will I suffer the same system slowdowns that I have with the Easydock?

If the Thinkpad docking station do I need a dual head card or can I use the VGA passthrough from the T23. Will a dualhead PCI card give the performance I’m looking for and what dual head half height PCI graphics card are there?

Replacing the Thinkpad isn’t an option –it’s a company machine.

Thanks in advance for you help. BTW people looking for a new laptop might check out the Dell 9100 – it has DVI-I and VGA out which Dell tells me will work together. Strong shoulders needed though at 4.5 kilos.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Best solution for laptop multimon

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