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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI: Dual Monitor + TV
Harish   2004-03-04 23:00
Hey Folks,

I'm using a radeon 9700 pro, and am using the lastest drivers from the ati website, as well as its control panel. Now i just bought a second monitor recenty, so i've hooked up one via the regular VGA and the other using the DVI - VGA convertor.

However, now I cant have all three, my main monitor, the seconday one (dvi) and the TV (s-video) run together anymore. Have to select either the TV or the second monitor. Even the profile settings in teh ati control panel have been grayed out for some reason.

Anyidea? How i could get all 3 to work simulatoeously, dont mind if the TV is a mirror of monitor 2. Also ULTRAMON only detects 2 monitors aswell! when the TV is connected via S video.


ganmo-chan   2004-03-04 23:10
You can't
it's only got 2 heads, therefore it can only support 2 devices at a time
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI: Dual Monitor + TV

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