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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitors while gameing.
Mike   2004-03-10 11:48
I wanted to know if your running dual monitors and you play a game on your main monitor, what happens to the second monitor? Will it stay on the desktop view and you can use it even while in game play or do you have to alt-tab out? If you have to alt-tab out is there some way where you don't have to do that? Thanks.
Nisloscen   2004-03-10 11:57
In Dual-view one monitor will stay on the Desktop. In Stretch the game can be stretched accross both monitors.

In either situation, the game should grab the mouse and keep it inside the game. If you could move the mouse out of the window, the game would become unplayable. A simple Alt-Tab will unhook the mouse, but the game will remain fullscreen and running so there is no reloading everything when you go back to it.
Troy   2004-03-12 12:51
I actually have the same question, I try counter-strike (and you're right, the secondary monitor does stay to the desktop) but when I use alt+tab, it downsizes my game and i have to load it up again, is there a way where this doesnt happen, where I can just use the other monitor w/out having to downsize my game?

Biohazord   2004-03-13 09:16
I know that i have to alt-tab to us the mouse on the secound monitor but I would like to be able to see the programs, not have them minimized and just see the background when I am playing.

I am playing BF42 which only uses one monitor.
Seahorse   2004-03-17 20:34
Civ 3 fails to lock the mouse which makes scrolling to the right a pain in the proverbials...

Rgds Mike
Dead-Fish - Deep Sea Daddies...
Josh   2004-04-03 09:43
Seahorse, you can lock the mouse yourself to stop that problem. If you look at the hotkeys one of the options is to lcok the mouse to the active monitor. You can use that to lock your mouse in game so that you don't accidentally run it off the side of the screen and click and then find yourself on the desktop well you get blown to pieces. :)
hmm   2004-06-04 16:29
I would also like to do the same... You have the option to lock to primary but thats where you run your games.

Would be nice to see if we could get a "lock to secondary" hotkey so we could switch between monitors while playing a game that locks to primary.

Note: the move mouse to next monitor hotkey doesn't work becuase the mouse lock by the game overrides it... hence sticking it back to primary.
barrel   2004-06-05 01:55
I want to play cs on mon1, and use programs (mirc-explorer) on my second mon , It doenst work properly right now.

1. When i start the game, mon1 resizes and part of mon1 is beeing displayed @ mon2
2. when i am in the game @ mon1, and i go to mon2 to do something mon1 goes back to windows

Can i fix that ?
Dave   2004-06-06 13:04
Run CS in a window (you can make the window equal to your desktop res even to still have it full screen) using -windowed in the command line.

Any game that will allow it I run in a window because multitasking is smoother.
damien   2004-06-13 06:39
I want to play my games on tv whith dual-view and have the dektop on monitor 1. Does anyone know how to do that? I've got a MSI fx5600 TD256 on a A7V8X-X mobo.   2004-06-27 00:52
You're not going to be able to play a fullscreen game in one monitor and type IM messages on the other. The second the fullscreen game loses the focus it will drop out fullscreen mode. Only games that can run in a window will let you do this.

For games that don't lock the mouse to the primary monitor you can use Ultramon to fix that. Set a hotkey to lock the mouse to the primary monitor.
shole   2004-07-23 23:43
this is a thing i'd love to see aswell
how about creating a virtual mouse?
so the real mouse would be captured by ultramon and hidden
and the game would be fed a relayed mouse data, which then could be disabled via hotkey and a relayed cursor would be created on desired display
mouse presses of buttons etc are just windows messages, right?
could these be generated without actual mouse clincking event taking place and stealing application focus from the game
though, this would also deny all focus switching on all other applications aswell
perhaps a small application Z order arranger routine could be written
shole   2004-07-23 23:51
or hack the way windows handles application focus
each monitor would have their own application focuses
keyboard writing would go to the application the monitor of which the mouse is currently occupying

heck, i dunno
i just hate having dual monitors and be so damn limited
a thing like this should be the very reason people get two monitors - to play with more things at once and with more space
damn microsoft for not thinking this through
theberkin8or   2004-07-28 07:42
I have a simalar problem but my problem is that i want to cut off one montor when i am playing games, because if you don't you lose performance. I had ultramon but I really don't have the money to spend 40 dollars on it right now (and the trial ran out). Is there any other program that would do this for me?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitors while gameing.

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